Félicien VERVAECKE (16 climbs)
year | ascent | altitude | mountain | state |
1938 | Peyresourde | 1569 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1938 | Iseran | 2770 | The Alps | FRANCE |
1937 | Col de Tamié | 907 | The Alps | FRANCE |
1937 | Col de Braus | 1002 | The Alps | FRANCE |
1936 | Col de Port | 1249 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1936 | Col de Braus | 1002 | The Alps | FRANCE |
1935 | Portet d’Aspet | 1069 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1935 | Puymorens | 1915 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1935 | Peyresourde | 1569 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1935 | Ballon d’Alsace | 1178 | The Vosges | FRANCE |
1935 | Col de Port | 1249 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1935 | Aspin | 1490 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1935 | Col de Vars | 2110 | The Alps | FRANCE |
1935 | Col d’Allos | 2250 | The Alps | FRANCE |
1934 | Ballon d’Alsace | 1178 | The Vosges | FRANCE |
1934 | Aravis | 1487 | The Alps | FRANCE |