Raymond DELISLE (12 climbs)
year | ascent | altitude | mountain | state |
1976 | Bolquère Pyrénées 2000 | 1800 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1976 | Col de Jau | 1513 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1976 | Font-Romeu | 1800 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1974 | Port d’Envalira | 2408 | The Pyrenees | ANDORRA |
1972 | Col de Vars | 2110 | The Alps | FRANCE |
1970 | Aubisque | 1709 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1970 | Col du Noyer | 1664 | The Alps | FRANCE |
1970 | Soulor | 1474 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1970 | Peyresourde | 1569 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1969 | Col de Menté | 1349 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1969 | Portet d’Aspet | 1069 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE |
1969 | Portillon | 1298 | The Pyrenees | FRANCE/SPAIN |