State: France
number of starts:
number of finishes:
Winners of stages in Perros-Guirec by nations (0):
Multiple winners of stages in Perros-Guirec by cyclists (0):
There are no multiple winners in Perros-Guirec
Starts in Perros-Guirec (2):
2021 | stage 2 | Perros-Guirec - | Mûr-De-Bretagne Guerlédan | Mathieu VAN DER POEL | 183.5 km | 4:18:30 | 42.6 km/h | 2 | |
1995 | stage 2 | Perros Guirec - | Vitré | Mario CIPOLLINI | 235.5 km | 5:26:35 | 44.3 km/h | 1 |