Overview of the year 1922

Date: June 25 - July 23 1922
Paris - Paris | total distance: 5375.0 km | number of stages: 15

Winner: Firmin Lambot | Peugeot | Belgium | age: 36
time: 222hr 8min 6sec | average speed: 24.196 km/h
2nd place: Jean Alavoine (+ 41min 15sec)
3rd place: Felix Sellier (+ 42min 2sec)
winning team:
number of participants: 121 (finished: 38 |not finished: 83)

Jerseys winners:
 Firmin Lambot

Stages in 1922

number of stages in this year*: 15 | display finish towns on map
*total number of posibbilities to win the stage

STAGES - start, finish, length, winner, time, average speed
1Paris - Le Havre  388.0 km  FRA  Robert JACQUINOT  15:11:48  25.1 km/h
2Le Havre - Cherbourg  364.0 km  FRA  Romain BELLENGER  15:07:53  24.1 km/h
3Cherbourg - Brest  405.0 km  FRA  Robert JACQUINOT  17:34:44  23.0 km/h
4Brest - Les Sables  412.0 km  BEL  Philippe THYS  15:16:24  27.0 km/h
5Les Sables - Bayonne  482.0 km  FRA  Jean ALAVOINE  19:27:45  24.8 km/h
6Bayonne - Luchon  326.0 km  FRA  Jean ALAVOINE  14:28:44  22.5 km/h
7Luchon - Perpignan  323.0 km  FRA  Jean ALAVOINE  12:05:43  26.7 km/h
8Perpignan - Toulon  411.0 km  BEL  Philippe THYS  15:47:18  26.0 km/h
9Toulon - Nice  284.0 km  BEL  Philippe THYS  11:40:12  24.1 km/h
10Nice - Briançon  274.0 km  BEL  Philippe THYS  12:50:07  21.3 km/h
11Briançon - Genève  260.0 km  BEL  Emile "senior" MASSON  10:49:14  24.0 km/h
12Genève - Strasbourg  371.0 km  BEL  Emile "senior" MASSON  15:15:43  24.3 km/h
13Strasbourg - Metz  300.0 km  ITA  Federico GAY  12:02:34  24.9 km/h
14Metz - Dunkerque  432.0 km  BEL  Félix SELLIER  17:07:09  25.2 km/h
15Dunkerque - Paris  340.0 km  BEL  Philippe THYS  14:36:57  22.2 km/h

Winners of stages in 1922 by nations (3):
BEL » 8 | FRA » 6 | ITA » 1 |
Winners of stages in 1922 by cyclists (7):
Philippe THYS » 5 | Jean ALAVOINE » 3 | Robert JACQUINOT » 2 | Emile "senior" MASSON » 2 | Federico GAY » 1 | Romain BELLENGER » 1 | Félix SELLIER » 1 |

Climbs in 1922

number of categorized climbs in this year*: 14 | display climbs on map
*ascents of the second, first and "hors" category

Winners of categorised climbs in 1922 by nations (2):
FRA » 8 | BEL » 6 |
Winners of ascents in 1922 by cyclists (4):
Jean ALAVOINE » 7 | Emile MASSON » 4 | Philippe THYS » 2 | Honoré BARTHELEMY » 1 |