Stage finishes in 1904

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STAGES - start, finish, length, winner, time, average speed
1Montgeron -Lyon  476.0 km  SUI  Michel FRÉDÉRICK  17:45:00  27.3 km/h
2Lyon -Marseille  374.0 km  FRA  Alfred FAURE  15:09:02  24.7 km/h
3Marseille -Toulouse  424.0 km  FRA  Henri CORNET  15:43:55  27.0 km/h
4Toulouse -Bordeaux  268.0 km  FRA  François BEAUGENDRE  8:40:06  30.9 km/h
5Bordeaux -Nantes  425.0 km  FRA  Jean-Baptiste DORTIGNACQ  16:49:54  25.3 km/h
6Nantes -Paris  471.0 km  FRA  Jean-Baptiste DORTIGNACQ  19:28:10  24.2 km/h

Winners of stages in 1904 by nations (2):
FRA » 5 | SUI » 1 |
Winners of stages in 1904 by cyclists (5):
Jean-Baptiste DORTIGNACQ » 2 | François BEAUGENDRE » 1 | Alfred FAURE » 1 | Henri CORNET » 1 | Michel FRÉDÉRICK » 1 |