Overview of the year 1929

Date: June 30 - July 28 1929
Paris - Paris | total distance: 5286.0 km | number of stages: 22

Winner: Maurice De Waele | Alcyon | Belgium | age: 33
time: 186hr 39min 16sec | average speed: 28.319 km/h
2nd place: Giuseppe Pancera (+ 44min 23sec)
3rd place: Jef Demuysere (+ 57min 10sec)
winning team:
number of participants: 155 (finished: 60 |not finished: 95)

Jerseys winners:
 Maurice De Waele

Stages in 1929

number of stages in this year*: 22 | display finish towns on map
*total number of posibbilities to win the stage

STAGES - start, finish, length, winner, time, average speed
1Paris - Caen  206.0 km  BEL  Aimé DOSSCHE  5:55:21  34.8 km/h
2Caen - Cherbourg  140.0 km  FRA  André LEDUCQ  4:20:51  32.2 km/h
3Cherbourg - Dinan  199.0 km  BEL  Omer TAVERNE  6:21:03  31.3 km/h
4Dinan - Brest  206.0 km  BEL  Louis DELANNOY  6:41:54  30.8 km/h
5Brest - Vannes  208.0 km  BEL  Gustaaf VAN SLEMBROUCK  6:29:03  32.1 km/h
6Vannes - Les Sables  204.0 km  FRA  Paul LE DROGO  6:23:14  31.9 km/h
7Les Sables - Bordeaux  285.0 km  LUX  Nicolas FRANTZ  9:13:07  30.9 km/h
8Bordeaux - Bayonne  182.0 km  FRA  Julien MOINEAU  5:36:25  32.5 km/h
9Bayonne - Luchon  363.0 km  ESP  Salvador CARDONA BALBASTRE  16:31:57  22.0 km/h
10Luchon - Perpignan  323.0 km  BEL  Jef DEMUYSERE  11:42:48  27.6 km/h
11Perpignan - Marseille  366.0 km  FRA  André LEDUCQ  13:37:29  26.9 km/h
12Marseille - Cannes  191.0 km  FRA  Marcel BIDOT  5:57:45  32.0 km/h
13Cannes - Nice  133.0 km  FRA  Benoît FAURÉ  4:52:18  27.3 km/h
14Nice - Grenoble  333.0 km  BEL  Gaston REBRY  13:19:06  25.0 km/h
15Grenoble - Evian  329.0 km  BEL  Julien VERVAECKE  13:09:37  25.0 km/h
16Evian - Belfort  283.0 km  FRA  Charles PÉLISSIER  9:34:05  29.6 km/h
17Belfort - Strasbourg  145.0 km  FRA  André LEDUCQ  4:27:24  32.5 km/h
18Strasbourg - Metz  165.0 km  FRA  André LEDUCQ  5:47:10  28.5 km/h
19Metz - Charleville  159.0 km  BEL  Bernard VAN RYSSELBERGHE  4:44:06  33.6 km/h
20Charleville - Malo  270.0 km  BEL  Maurice DE WAELE  9:16:16  29.1 km/h
21Malo - Dieppe  234.0 km  FRA  André LEDUCQ  9:03:52  25.8 km/h
22Dieppe - Paris  332.0 km  LUX  Nicolas FRANTZ  12:19:19  26.9 km/h

Winners of stages in 1929 by nations (4):
FRA » 10 | BEL » 9 | LUX » 2 | ESP » 1 |
Winners of stages in 1929 by cyclists (17):
André LEDUCQ » 5 | Nicolas FRANTZ » 2 | Gustaaf VAN SLEMBROUCK » 1 | Jef DEMUYSERE » 1 | Charles PÉLISSIER » 1 | Omer TAVERNE » 1 | Julien MOINEAU » 1 | Gaston REBRY » 1 | Aimé DOSSCHE » 1 | Paul LE DROGO » 1 | Marcel BIDOT » 1 | Bernard VAN RYSSELBERGHE » 1 | Louis DELANNOY » 1 | Salvador CARDONA BALBASTRE » 1 | Julien VERVAECKE » 1 | Benoît FAURÉ » 1 | Maurice DE WAELE » 1 |

Climbs in 1929

number of categorized climbs in this year*: 12 | display climbs on map
*ascents of the second, first and "hors" category

Winners of categorised climbs in 1929 by nations (3):
BEL » 6 | FRA » 5 | LUX » 1 |
Winners of ascents in 1929 by cyclists (8):
René FAURE » 3 | Jef DEMUYSERE » 2 | Gaston REBRY » 2 | Victor FONTAN » 1 | Lucien BUYSSE » 1 | Nicolas FRANTZ » 1 | André LEDUCQ » 1 | Louis DELANNOY » 1 |