State: France
number of starts:
number of finishes:
1968 | stage 19 | Grenoble - | Sallanches-Cordon | Barry HOBAN | 200.0 km | 7:06:23 | 28.1 km/h | 1 |
Winners of stages in Sallanches-Cordon by nations (1):
GBR » 1 |
Multiple winners of stages in Sallanches-Cordon by cyclists (0):
There are no multiple winners in Sallanches-Cordon
Starts in Sallanches-Cordon (1):
1968 | stage 20 | Sallanches-Cordon - | Besançon | Joseph HUYSMANS | 242.5 km | 6:56:02 | 35.0 km/h | 1 |